Nutrition Consultation

We do much more than deliver delicious healthy meals across Ireland. We put you on a new path to nutritional health. On your consultation call we’ll go through your present diet and lifestyle, identify strengths and weaknesses, so that together we can design a plan to help you reach and maintain a healthy body weight.

“I know it can be a daunting prospect to pick up the phone and ask for help, but we’re here to do exactly that – help you. Through our consultation, we will help you to work out what your exact goals are, how we’ll set about tackling them together and how we can support you with realistic and manageable diet and lifestyle modifications.”

Emma Buckley RNutr – Director of Nutrition

Phone: (01)2938799


5 Great Reasons to Book Your Nutrition Consultation

  • Get Sound Nutrition Advice from Qualified Registered Nutritionists – Ask any nutrition or health related questions and get evidence based advice back!
  • Get a Personalised Plan – Everyone is different. Find out what works and why and come up with realistic plan to fit your lifestyle and budget.
  • Understand Your Best Strategy & Options – Learn simple modifications that you can incorporate to improve your wellbeing.
  • You’re Not Alone – Our team of expert nutritionists is will journey with you, helping and supporting you to reach your goal.
  • You’ve Someone to Keep You on Track – Your success is our success! We’re equally motivated to helping you achieve your health goals as you are.

Nutrition FAQs

  • Is the food fresh or frozen?

    All of our meals are prepared, by hand, fresh to order using the best ingredients and cooked by our own Gourmet chefs.

  • Can I choose my own meals?

    Absolutely! Our FuelWizard will guide you through the process of deciding which dishes will suit you best, then it’s easy for you to swap certain dishes out for others if you prefer. You can always create your own a la carte bundle from our online shop. Choose from any combination of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks.

  • Can I freeze my own meals?

    Yes, all meals with the exception of salads and some of our breakfasts are freezer-friendly and work really well from frozen.

  • What ingredients are used?

    We use Irish suppliers and locally-sourced ingredients where possible, all our red meat is Irish. We have the Guaranteed Irish stamp!

  • Do you cater for special dietary requirements?

    We have a broad range of meals that can be assembled to suit many different dietary requirements. Whilst we can’t alter a specific dish, we can show you suitable options. If you have an underlying medical condition and need a specific dietary intervention, it is best to speak with our Nutritionists and they will be able to discuss this with your doctor and/or Dietitian.

  • Do you offer nutrition consultations?

    Yes, we offer complimentary 20 minute consultations with one of our in-house expert nutritionists.

  • I am looking for a sport performance based menu, can you cater for this?

    Our SportsFuel menu is specifically designed for athletes, both professional & amateur. The menu has been developed with leading performance nutritionists and is used by a significant number of international level professional athletes.

  • What if I don't like a meal on my meal plan?

    We can't all like everything and don't worry, we won't take offence! It's easy on your account to switch out a meal you don't enjoy. If you'd like some advice as to what would be a good replacement, please call or drop us an email and we'll give you a steer.

  • What if I don't like certain foods?

    We can happily accommodate any preferences you may have. Just give us a call or drop us an email to let us know and we can make a note on your order. GourmetFuel has over 100 dishes for you to choose from, so there’s something for everyone.

  • What Meal Plan is best for me? How does it work?

    Our menus are specifically focused around your personal energy expenditure, taking into account height, weight, age, sex and current activity level. The principles of weight management are simple;

    Energy expenditure > energy intake = weight loss

    Energy expenditure = energy intake = weight maintenance

    Energy expenditure < energy intake = weight gain

    Use our online diet tool to figure out which plan would suit you best.