Corporate Wellness

Increase your team’s productivity by improving their energy levels & overall health with delicious & nutritious meals delivered to your home or office

A Well-Nourished Team is a Happy & Healthy Team

If you’re looking for an expert to visit your offices and speak about nutrition and the tips & tricks to achieving a healthy lifestyle, we will happily do that for you too!

Get in touch and we’ll give you a call!

  • Is your hard-working team suffering the consequences of ordering take-aways to the office, when working late into the night?
  • Are they relying on coffee break after coffee break to get them through the busy day?
  • Is a lack of healthy lunchtime options causing your staff to opt for processed, energy sapping foods?
  • Do they understand the basics of how to eat healthy and that being prepared is half the battle?
*mandatory fields

If any of this sounds familiar, then GourmetFuel can help. Our expert nutritionists can design personalised meal plans for each member of your team through a direct or subsidised programme. Alternatively, if you just want to make delicious, healthy meals & snacks available to your staff, throughout the day, then we can help with that too!

Whatever you need, give us a call at (01)2938799, email or fill out the form above and we’ll call you back!

Delivered to Your Office

All meals are delivered in a temperature controlled insulated cooler bag / box, ensuring your meals arrive fresh, chilled and ready to enjoy.

Expert Nutrition Guidance

Complimentary nutrition guidance on a group of individual basis, from our team of highly experienced and registered nutritionists.

Direct Bulk Supply of Meals on a B2B Basis

Each week, you place up to 2 orders on our website for a wholesale delivery for the following week. For example, order on Friday for Monday delivery and order on Tuesday for Thursday delivery. We can assist you in placing the orders until you’re comfortable doing it.

This means your employees will always have a large selection of delicious healthy meals to choose from at the office, available any time of the day or week and ready to consume in minutes. It would be a quicker, cheaper and healthier option than ordering in pizzas or similar with far greater variety for individual eating preferences.

Subsidised Individual Orders for Your Staff

It is simple for an individual to order their food on a weekly basis and we deliver to office or home addresses. By setting up accounts for employees using their work email addresses, we can apply a standard coupon code discount to any/every order made.

Limits can be set to apply discount in whatever way you require. Effectively meaning your employee could get their weekly meals cheaper than going to the supermarket. More importantly, it’s an extremely healthy option and a huge time saver for them. The other advantage is that it is very easy to roll out, manage and measure.