BREAK your FAST – Why a healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

BREAK your FAST – Why a healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Posted by Rebecca Game | 11th Jul 2019

We all know the old tale of a healthy breakfast being the most important meal of the day. There is absolute truth in this statement. Read on for GourmetFuel’s top tips for breakfast.

  • Break-the-fast – It’s all in the name. Kick start your metabolism in the morning and don’t deprive your body when it’s craving food when you wake. Don’t skip breakfast.
  • Don’t skip – Energy levels in your body will not be sufficient to get you to your next meal. With many who skip breakfast, there is potentially up to 8 – 12 hours without consuming any food. According to many studies skipping breakfast is a common factor among individuals with low activity level, or sedentary lifestyles. Ensuring you get your breakfast will keep unwanted snack grabbing at bay.Se
  • Quality – if there’s one meal in a day that this matters the most it’s a healthy breakfast. Convenience often pushes us to gravitate towards pastries, muffins and high sugar cereals, but choosing nutritionally rich sources of protein and fibre for breakfast will boost your energy and keep you full all the way to your 2nd meal of the day. This includes things like Greek Yogurt, Oatmeal and Eggs. Check out GourmetFuels great breakfast choices here. We have some great nutritionally balanced grab’n’go options such as the Spicy Huevos Rancheros Wrap & Mixed Berry Granola Parfait.

  • Always had trouble with breakfast – it’s no secret that our eating habits are hugely psychological. If you have had a mental block with breakfast for as long as you can remember, it may be helpful to re-label what a healthy breakfast is. Calling it Meal 1 can remove the pressure in the mornings. Just seeing it as your first meal of the day can help get over that hurdle in the morning. This can apply across all meals, such as Meal 1, Meal 2 and so on. Create some structure with daily meals from GourmetFuel, create your own meal plan here.
  • Nutrition needs – No matter your age, gender, activity level, your body needs a certain amount of micro and macronutrients. Getting into the habit of having a nutritionally rich breakfast will jump-start you on meeting your daily requirements. Not sure what your nutritional needs are? Use are Free Diet Tool or call one of our expert Nutritionists today on (01) 293 8799

See All Of Our Healthy Breakfast


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