​Sustaining Your Goals post-January

​Sustaining Your Goals post-January

Posted by Niamh Lonergan | 27th Jan 2022

With January coming to an end, motivation can start to dwindle and sustaining goals into the coming months may seem unattainable. Have a read of the following tips to help keep you motivated for the year ahead!

1. Set sustainable short-term goals

You wouldn’t run a marathon if you’ve never run a mile, so apply that same logic to your goals this year. Don’t try and get rid of all the bad habits in one go. Start with just one healthy habit and then build on that by adding one more, and then one more after that until you’ve created a strong foundation for healthy eating. Be careful not to berate yourself or think that one mistake “blows” a whole day’s worth of healthy habits. You can do it! It just takes one day at a time!

2. Plan ahead for going back to the office

With talks of moving back to the office, it’s important to ease yourself back in and you may need to readjust your routine in order to stay on track with your health and fitness goals. The commute is time-consuming enough without having to spend your evenings cooking dinners or lunches for the following day! Having quick, easy and delicious meals delivered on a Sunday can make the midweek office routine a little easier and allow you to plan ahead for the week.

3. Use your holiday plans to keep you motivated

Finding motivation can be tough at the best of times, but with restrictions lifted we just might get some well deserved holidays this year (hopefully abroad!). If you’re struggling for motivation to keep your nutrition on track and sustain your goals, why not use your holiday plans as motivation. Whether it be a weekend away or a week in the sun, try to stick to your goals until your holiday begins. This will make it easier to stay on track as it breaks up the year, keeping morale high! Remember reaching your goals in a shorter time frame is easier to envision, allowing you to stay motivated.

4. Don’t be too hard on yourself!

None of us are perfect and we will all have bad days or days when we just couldn’t be bothered. This is fine as long as they’re in the minority! If you do have a splurge, have one too many takeaways or miss a training session in the gym, don’t be too hard on yourself and give up…there’s always tomorrow and you can start afresh. Always use experiences as a lesson. Find out what triggered you to lose momentum and refresh the reasons why you set your goal in the first place, that way you will be able to recognise potential downfalls and maybe defer a relapse from happening in the future.


If I could give you one final piece of advice on how to sustain your goals in the coming months, it would be to Be Prepared!

Being prepared, mentally and physically is the make or break of a new habit. Time is often the biggest block to being prepared, especially as life is starting to get a little busier this year with the easing of restrictions. Let us help you to sustain your health and nutrition goals this year by being prepared with a weekly delivery of tasty, easy and convenient meals or a personalised meal plan to help you stay on track!

 Pick up the phone today or why not book in for a nutrition consultation with us and we’ll help you to plan ahead for the coming months and sustain your goals. Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish! 


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