​Movement and Mental Health

​Movement and Mental Health

Posted by Jane Foxton | 13th Oct 2022

We often hear that exercise is important to keep fit and is usually correlated with physical goals in terms of our weight loss and maintenance, but what about exercise and mental health?

Movement not only stimulates mental alertness, increases energy levels and brings a positive mood, but ensures a brighter and happier lifestyle. Even a short 10-minute burst of movement can have a big impact on your day. We have put together some simple yet effective ways of including more exercise in your lifestyle.

Quick Cardio Workouts

Whether you’re a busy working professional, active parent or feel as though the days slip away without enough time to get movement in, consider taking 5-10 minutes out of your morning to do a short cardio workout. This does not have to be intense and can just get your metabolism going – giving you a surge of energy for the rest of the day!

Cardio can be anything from jumping jacks, running on the spot or small shuffles to get your blood flowing and boost your metabolism.


Walking improves your overall mood, reduces stress and anxiety, and also helps with your overall sleep quality. When you sleep well, you have more energy throughout the day which will result in creating a healthier lifestyle overall – and you’ll be more inclined to increase your movement with a good nights rest behind you.


While you may not be much of a ‘gym-goer’, any type of exercise is beneficial and will assist you with feeling good and boosting your energy. Be sure to find an activity that works for you and that you will enjoy doing consistently. This can be anything from dance classes, sports, cycling or going for a jog. Anything works if you get your body up and about.

The Importance of Nutrition

While movement is key to improving your mental health and overall energy levels, the right diet and nutrition is the perfect, and necessary match for this new lifestyle. GourmetFuel offers nutritionally balanced meals made by professional and passionate chefs that make healthy eating so simple. Just a few clicks and the meals arrive at your door! Check out our meal plans here and really prove to yourself that you can do it!

We are always here to support you along the way, get in touch if you need some more guidance! Our contact is (01)2938799 or info@gourmetfuel.com


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