September: The Month for Weight Loss

September: The Month for Weight Loss

Posted by Annie O'Brien | 27th Aug 2020

For many September means back to school after a summer of holidaying abroad and socialising with friends and family, but this year, September means back to commitment and routine.

By the end of August, people are exhausted, they want to get back into routine as fast as possible. People’s routines are more disjointed in the summer with lockdown early on this year and restrictions back in place. Therefore, September proves to be the perfect month for weight loss.

September: The Month for Weight Loss

The month of goodwill to all body-conscious people, to all dieters, all exercisers, all ‘try just a bit to eat a bit less’ers. It’s called September, and as far as we’re concerned, it’s the perfect month to concentrate on our bodies, our health and fitness, our weight loss, with virtually NO interference from events on the calendar.

September is the perfect month for weight loss for three reasons:

  • The weathers not too hot, not too cold. No snow, no heatwave, therefore ideal for outdoor exercise!
  • The quiet. September is most likely to be devoid of weekends away, entertaining people at yours, or random food-related invites from neighbours. So the temptation to eat more and drink more than usual is low.
  • The lack of urgency. If you want to lose a few pounds you can approach it in a sensible fashion – no need for the crash diet or the nearly killing yourself on the treadmill approach.

How to Lose Your Summer Weight

Start with Routine

It can be really hard to plan, cook, and eat meals while trying to lose weight. Furthermore, food can really affect our mood, so it’s important that we try to keep things as balanced as possible. A routine can help with this, because it allows us to block out some time for cooking, eating, and cleaning up afterward. So, plan your meal times each day and try to have a regular sleep routine. If we add in some time to wind down before bed each day, it’ll be much easier to fall asleep.

Sleep More, Weigh Less

Poor sleep has repeatedly been linked to weight gain. For example, when you’ve had a poor night’s sleep, it’s easy to lean on a large latte to get moving. You might be tempted to skip exercise (too tired), get a takeaway for dinner, and then go to bed late because you’re uncomfortably full. It’s a vicious cycle that can be hard to escape!

Get Moving

You don’t have to force yourself to do burpees and push-ups if that’s not your thing. Exercise can take many forms so find something you enjoy doing and you’re more likely to stick to it long term. It could be anything from a quick run to a morning yoga practice, or even scrolling the internet for a quick 15-minute workout!

Simplify Your Lifestyle

With the little guys heading back to school, and some people heading back into the office, lives have gone from zero to one hundred in the blink of an eye. We understand it’s hard to find the time in the day to plan your meals while attempting to lose weight. At GourmetFuel we are all about giving people sometime back for more important things in life.

Our Fuel Wizard allows you to create a personalised diet plan for up to 12 weeks with over 160 delicious calorie controlled meals, snacks and sides delivered to your door twice a week. We have a full team of nutritionists that are here to aid you in your weight loss journey and help you to get the results you are looking for.

Diet Plan


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