Guidance for a Balanced Diet

Guidance for a Balanced Diet

Posted by Elena Vicente | 6th Feb 2024

A balanced and healthy diet with regular exercise can enhance our vitality and autonomy as we age, while also reducing health risks. Here are some guidelines to maintain a vibrant and healthy lifestyle:

Caloric Awareness: 

Whether you're on the move or taking it easy, keep an eye on your calorie intake. Make sure you're eating enough to match your activity levels. If you can't move around much, adjust your portion sizes and focus on loading up on high fibre foods such as veggies and fruits to keep you satisfied.  

Fruit & Vegetable Intake: 

Aim for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, including fresh, cooked and frozen options to diversify nutrient intake. 

High-Fiber Diet: 

Prioritize fiber-rich carbohydrates to promote regular bowel movements and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and obesity. Incorporate foods like porridge, whole grains, potatoes with skins, beans, fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

Protein Consumption: 

Opt for lean protein sources such as fish, poultry, lean red meat, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts, and dairy products to support cell and muscle growth and repair.

Calcium & Vitamin D: 

Maintain bone health by consuming calcium-rich foods like dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, and fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon, ...alongside sufficient vitamin D obtained from sunlight exposure or fortified dairy products.

Healthy Fats: 

Choose sources of healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts and seeds to help lower cholesterol levels, while limiting saturated fat intake from products like cured meats, cakes, and fried foods.

Sodium Reduction: 

Minimize salt intake to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease, utilizing herbs and spices for flavoring and opting for unprocessed meats over processed alternatives.


Stay hydrated by drinking water or milk throughout the day, particularly since aging can diminish thirst signals. Limit consumption of caffeinated and sugary beverages. It's recommended to drink between 6 to 8 glasses a day. 

How Can GourmetFuel Help?

If preparing healthy balanced meals is becoming difficult for you. You may like to try some of our healthy and convenient meals. We have a range of meals, calorie controlled, to choose from Breakfast, Lunches, and Dinners. Our meals are developed by nutritionists to ensure they provide sufficient nutrients and variety which will help support health and well-being. 

If you would like to discuss this further with one of the nutritionists, you can book a free nutrition consultation with one of our registered nutritionists


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