Proactive Health & The Benefits For Our Wellbeing

Proactive Health & The Benefits For Our Wellbeing

Posted by Jane Foxton | 16th Feb 2023

Many of us have health goals in mind when following a meal plan, whether it be losing weight, gaining weight or focusing on a specific health requirement.

Healthy eating to improve your day-to-day wellbeing, for preventative health, rather than focussing on fixed goals is what proactive health is all about!

Immunity, mood, energy and digestive health are something to consider when planning a healthy diet alongside your goals! 

Below are some nutritional recommendations to improve your overall nutrition and health on a day-to day basis.

Naturally Functional Foods – Proactive Health

A functional food is a food claimed to have an additional function by adding new ingredients or more of existing ingredients. These are foods to consider in your daily diet.

Foods that are naturally functional that contain protein, live and active cultures are a major part in supporting health. These foods include:

  • Yoghurt– Natural and Greek style are recommended for low refined sugar levels
  • Nutrient-rich ingredients like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains are often considered functional foods as well
  • Many foods do not contain naturally functional ingredients, therefore adding new functional benefits with science-supported ingredients is important and aids towards a healthy diet. Examples of this include adding science-supported probiotics to foods like snacks or beverages without drastically changing your diet.


Probiotics include “good” bacteria. These are live microorganisms that can provide health benefits when consumed. These benefits come from the ability of the probiotics to restore the natural balance of gut bacteria, help keep your heart healthy, has been considered to help improve some mental disorders and many other benefits.

Probiotics can be sourced from supplements or naturally occurring foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, kimchi and fortified foods.

A Consistent Proactive Diet

At GourmetFuel we offer a range of high quality, nutritionally balanced meals that can keep you on track and ensure you reach your energy levels and that your diet is taken care of. 

Consistency is key – the meal plans provide all of this, while including sustenance and helping your wellbeing with foods you will actually enjoy. It is all about consistent healthy eating to keep your brain and body at its best.

Browse our full range here to see what meals or meal plans are a perfect fit for you! We are online and provide ongoing support to ensure you are on the right track with your lifestyle and goals.

Top take away points for a proactive lifestyle – immunity, weight management and energy are top of the list for a healthier 2023!


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