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7 Ways to Kickstart Your 2021 Health Goals

7 Ways to Kickstart Your 2021 Health Goals

by Annie O'Brien | 7th Jan 2021

7 Ways to Kickstart Your 2021 Health Goals

Take a deep breath, it’s officially 2021. Can you believe we can actually say that now? Here’s to a healthier, happier and hopefully, more relaxed you.

2020 is finally over and we are looking forward to a new beginning where we can begin to get back to ‘normal’ life once again. So, let’s not make unrealistic resolutions but promise ourselves to focus on our health and wellbeing. Here are 7 Ways to Kickstart Your 2021 Health Goals.

Stop with the Fad Diets

More than often, we turn to fad and restrictive diets as a way to quickly see the results we desire. However, restriction often leads to bingeing, followed-by a continued restrict-binge cycle, resulting in feelings of guilt.

This year, try substituting intuitive and mindful eating for restriction. Focus less on counting every single calorie and more on your natural hunger and fullness cues will help you be more in tune with your body and feel less out of control with food.

Don’t Skip Meals or “Save Calories”

By eating balanced meals and snacks throughout the day, you can stay energised and avoid overeating. Try eating every three to four hours and avoid going long periods of time without fuel. Bottom line, have healthy snacks ready when hunger stricks like Cajun Roasted Nuts or Coconut Protein Bites.

Start Small

Change isn’t easy. So don’t set goals that are difficult to reach. Be realistic ease yourself into the change. So, set small achievable goals like adding more greens to your plate or trying to be in bed before 10 pm. It takes us 21 days to change a habit and if we follow it for three months it becomes our lifestyle. Take your time, it’s more important to learn what you must change and make a start.

Watch Your Serving Sizes

This completely depends on your activity levels, age, weight, height, gender and health goals. Even the healthiest food is good until it’s consumed in copious amounts. It sounds so simple: Don’t eat or drink too much. But looks can be deceiving. It’s easy to eat or drink more than you planned to. Learn about how much you need and then stick to it.

Dump the Scales

Weight is not the be-all and end-all. Feeling well, adopting healthier habits and sticking to them is a much better way to measure your success. The weight will come down when it all comes together in a more regular manner.

The best way to do this is through before and after pictures, noticing how clothes start to feel, how you look and see yourself etc… The scales can lie. If you put on lean muscle and lose some body fat, you may well be the same/heavier on the scales, but your body composition will be better!

At the end of the day, this is for you to feel better in your own skin and only you can be the judge of this!

Keeping a Healthy Mind

Adopting a healthy mind is a very important part of health. Firstly, make sure you are sleeping for 6-8 hours daily, it is crucial for a healthy body. Secondly, the brain needs rest. So, in addition to sleep, de-stress regularly. Learn to switch off from your normal day for at least an hour or so, for this, you can meditate, practise a hobby, read a book or listen to music. Your ‘me time’ will help refresh your brain and get it ready for new challenges while having a positive effect on your mood.

Build Exercise Habits

You don’t need to hit the gym (not that you can), start Crossfit or run a marathon, just a half an hour brisk walk, being physically active through the day will do. NEAT (or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) plays a massive role in total calories out. Every time you take the stairs, walk around after 30mins of sitting, walk around your house while on the phone, hoover and carry out other household chores it all adds up to in your calorie expenditure. Like I said, start slow but keep your goals in mind and reach there one step at a time.

How We Can Help

This year will be marked as a year of continued uncertainty, anxiety and, if you’re like many people, a lot of stress-related eating. Let us make healthy eating easy for you, and let us shop, prep, cook, chill and deliver delicious meals to you anywhere in Ireland. Eating healthy and delicious food is something within our control, and it’s something we all deserve!

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