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How To Get Back On Track

How To Get Back On Track

by Annie O Brien | 6th May 2020

After weeks of endless supplies of snacks, baking the weekly loaf of banana bread, and that one glass of wine turning into 2, 3, or maybe a bottle, we now have a clear roadmap of where we are going. Most importantly, we now know it’ll be at least a few more weeks/months of Lockdown so here is how to get back on track. It’s been so easy to fall off the wagon and overindulge at this difficult time and with so many tasty temptations and all of this time on our hands, who would blame us? So, here is how to get back on track.

The Time to Start is Now

However, the time to get back on track is now, so if you’re looking for some expert advice and personalised nutrition, a GourmetFuel Meal Plan not only means you will get delicious and nutritionally balanced meals but also complimentary consultations with our registered Nutritionists.

Our Meal Plans cater to all needs, so why not browse our selection online, and if you don’t see something for you, why not email us at for a complimentary consultation and we will create a bespoke Meal Plan just for you. As well as following a Healthy Eating Meal Plan, here are some tips and tricks to help you reach your goals through Lockdown:

Get Moving:

With gyms being closed during Lockdown, new ways of exercising have filled our newsfeeds and inboxes. Head over to Instagram or Facebook where there are thousands of at home workouts available at the click of a button. For example, many of the big names like Rozanna Purcell and Alice Living are doing free daily workouts suitable for people at all levels. However, if you’re not into the workouts, take a stroll. In short, you’ll feel both physically and mentally better if you get up and get moving.

Limit the treats:

We understand working from home means you’re only a few feet away from the snacks drawer at all times. When you overeat, especially with chocolate, crisps, etc., you probably tend to feel fantastic… at first. However, when the rush of a binge wears off, most people experience an overwhelming and uncomfortable fullness, accompanied by a side of guilt or shame. Therefore, you shouldn’t deprive yourself because you will only end up binging again. In short, try making something a little healthier like protein bites or granola bars that contain nuts and beneficial ingredients.

Stay Hydrated:

We get it. When you’re full the last thing you want to do is guzzle down water. However, it’s for your own good. Above all, staying hydrated can aid in binge recovery by aiding digestion and fighting gas-induced bloat. Furthermore, drinking water also supports healthy metabolism and satiety, making recovery more manageable for the body.

Don’t Starve Yourself as Penance:

If you’re hungry between meals, eat something! Most importantly, don’t deprive yourself of food just because you overdid it yesterday. As a result, skipping meals or snacks after binging the first couple of weeks of Lockdown will only increase the desire to overeat again. For instance, try opting for foods rich in protein to promote fullness, like greek yogurt with berries, chicken, or eggs.

Stop Drinking like it’s Christmas:

From ‘Wine ‘O’ Clock’ on Zoom calls to Margarita Mondays. As a result of major disasters and crises, people tend to drink more. Therefore, it’s not surprising we’re seeing a massive increase in alcohol consumption during the pandemic. However, there is nothing wrong with having a drink or two to unwind after a long week (or month). On the other hand, but make sure you are drinking to relax and not drinking to get drunk. Therefore, if you are watching your calorie intake, why not try vodka with soda water and fresh lime or a glass of prosecco. Both of these drinks contain less than 100kcal and have considerably less sugar than white wine, ciders, and cocktails.

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